Friday, August 19, 2016

Trying to keep cool....

We've been in a heat wave of late. It's been really hot.  But I've had an air conditioner for the past two months. A legacy from my mother's passing.  At first it was in my room, and my room well chilled while I ran it. But I couldn't use it at night. It was just too loud. Saturday, my room was cool, but the living room was an oven. So Sunday, I brought it out to the living room. Ave it immediately cold the living room. With a couple of strategically placed fans, I figured I could keep my room cool.

Basically, it boils down to the only way the AC can cool my room is to keep it in my room. But it's too loud to use. All least if it's in the living room, we can keep one room cool. And I can go back to using my window fan after sunset. At I can keep it running all night, is not that loud.
Did I mention my electric bill is higher this month?

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