Thursday, February 28, 2008

Happy Anniversary

7 years ago today was the Nisqually Earthquake.  At the time, I was working in the Westlake Center.  I was at work when the shaking started.  By the time it ended, I was already out of the building, and proceeded to return to work.

I first noticed the shaking when I heard a rhythmic crashing (which was the sound of the downtown Nordstrom crashing into an adjoining building).  Due to the monorail being right next to the building, I at first thought that the shaking was the monorail until I realized the entire 24 story office tower was shaking along with the mall.  During the day after the earthquake, a disaster was declared, and Metro therefore provided service for free the rest of the day (moot point since I had a pass at the time....).  The damage at my apartment was minimal, just a lam and a few models got knocked over).  My younger brother (who was my roommate at the time) was asleep at the time and his bed was right next to his CD shelf).  He woke up awash in a sea of CD's.

A little trip to the grocery store gone terribly wrong

So, I went to the supermarket today (shoulda gone to Wally World, but I didn't want to ride the bus on my day if it was possible).  So I went to this establishment called Saar's Marketplace.  The only thing it has going for it is it's in walking distance of my apartment (well, there's also the Safeway 16 blocks down Pacific Avenue, but that's too far to walk with a load of groceries....).  So I go into Saar's and the first thing I notice is the meat department.  They may have some great deals, but the first thing I noticed was the odor.  It does not bode well for any meat department/butcher shop if the first thing I smell is something rotting.  I don't know what it was, but that was an immediate turn-off (all the items on my list were non-perishable, so I didn't need to walk out right away).  After making my purchase, I headed home, and noticed the receipt.  Being a devout pastafarian, I do consume ramen on a regular basis (the fact that it's dirt cheap doesn't hurt either).  What does hurt is when I'm charged 5¢ more per package than what the shelf price is and I'm charged for 10 packages rather than the 6 that I bought.  This isn't the previous time that I got screwed at the check-out either.  About a month ago, I bought a loaf of bread and some other items there.  When I got home, I noticed that they had so conveniently decided that while I should pay for the bread, I really didn't need it, and they did not bag it.

I can excuse the smell of rot and decay in the meat department (well, not really, but that's the job of the health department, and a complaint to them will be forthcoming).  I will not excuse malice and incompetence (there is no difference between the two really) from the cashier.  And I will never shop at Saar's again.

Another Lesson for the day

Ballpoint pens and thermal paper don't mix.......

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Today's Lesson

Is that Windows Live = A Dead Computer. I just fixed a friend's computer, and the only thing wrong with it was Windows Live One Care. Talk about serious bloatware. Even Norton never caused this much troubled (well, actually it did, but it was expected then).

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Just a reminder

When a fire breaks out at your house, don't try to be a hero.  Just get you and your family out.  This is what can happen in only two minutes:

Leave the heroism to the fire department.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Happy New Year

Thus begins The Year Of The Lawyer (yes, I know it's actually the Year of the Rat, but we all know rats and lawyers are interchangeable...  Then again, maybe I shouldn't malign rats like that).  Myself, I am an ox, more specifically a water ox.  Next year will be my lucky year....

Until then, it should be a lucky year for a certain water rat.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

So much hard work

To get an undefeated regular season.  And it's good only for second place.  Tom Brady gets his Well-Deserved Beating, coming from the usual source of quarterback beatings: the defensive line (in this case the Giants).

This also marks the first time that a wild-card team has even made it to the Super Bowl (not a small feat in and of itself).  It just makes winning it that much more a sweeter victory.  ALL HAIL ELI MANNING!

I do have to admit that after the Seahawks got beat by the Packers, I was rooting for New York and Indianapolis to make it the Super Bowl, so I could watch the Manning Bowl, but fate did not dictate that.

Now to go follow the NHL, and in a couple of months you'll need to put your tin-foil hats back on because The New World Order (Mind-Control Division) will be starting up again.....

More on Tom Petty

It's been a while since I posted a video link & having seen Tom Petty's performance a few minutes ago at the Super Bowl.  Anyway, don't back down....

Old but still good

Tom Petty is doing the half-time show at the Super Bowl.  His face just broke my TV screen, but it's all good, since he still rocks.....

This is obviously the high point of this year's game.  Now if Eli Manning could give Tom Brady is Well-Deserved beating.....