Monday, June 06, 2016

Picking up and walking on

After the Really Bad Day yesterday, life still went on. While waiting for the Sherriff to turn the scene over to the funeral home (obvious natural causes), I still remembered to pay the rent. And this morning, I remembered that the recycler was coming by to pick up my dead tv….

But today we were out, starting the cleanup of her apartment. Some of her recent purchases were going to be returned to bring down her credit card balances. Other items are being dispersed by common consent (there were rumors of a will, but we haven’t found it yet. Initially the intent was that everything would’ve gone to my father, but the trend of late was to make my sister the executor. Tomorrow, a decision will be made at the funeral home. Her wishes were to be cremated. I’m thinking a celebration will be planned later on this summer. But this month there are previously scheduled weddings and conventions that need tending to. Let those take the priority now. The Living take precedence over the Dead.

But in the midst of my sorrows there starts a new month that many of you will take note. And so to those of you fasting for the next month or so, I bid you Ramadan Kareem.

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