Monday, June 01, 2015

12 days straight...

If you didn't know this before, yes I'm full time at work. Which on occasion it means that the supervisors shall we say strongly 'encourage' to get out of there on time to keep the overtime to a minimum. I normally don't make any special requests for my schedule (with the exception of not opening after closing the night before). So, of late when I've been getting my two days off each back to back, I didn't look the gift horse in the mouth....

This all started a couple of weeks ago. Another coworker had left, and my supervisor had received authorization for overtime to cover the schedule. So I volunteered to come in on my day off to help. It would've been a 6 day week for me, but it was doable. My one day off last week there were enough callouts that they called me in on my one day off (since they know about my Commute From Hell, and yet they still called me, I could tell that they had serious issues). I agreed to come in since my day off errands were near to work. So no days off last week.

But I survived. And I got overtime (and with the Holiday pay) for Memorial Day as well means my next paycheck won't be skinny (I hope). And they are recognizing my efforts. But still it was 12 days in a row.

Don't try that at home. Or at work, for that matter....

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