Saturday, December 01, 2018

What happened last night….

I ended calling out last night. Here’s what happened:

When one’s blood sugar gets low, often times your brain just shuts down and you get easily confused (like if you’re drunk). Your coordination takes a hit. Your mind goes off to somewhere. Then there are the times when you just get dizzy and light headed, and you immediately know that it’s time to take a break, or else. Then there are the times when you just start shaking, and fortunately then there was a source of sugar right next to me. Or if it happens in the middle of the night, I’ll have a very strange dream, that’s extremely vivid and detailed, and then when I wake up, I’ll be confused like I’m still in the dream, and when I come out of it, I can’t go back to sleep. And there’s also that one time at Grandma’s when I completely passed out.

What happened is that my blood sugar went low right when my alarm went off. I could (in hindsight) tell that the confusion had set in because I had turned my alarm off rather than snoozing it, and I was trying to fix it without knowing what day of the week it was. Somehow in my confused state, I managed to pull up my employer’s app on my phone, enter my password (with great difficulty) and call in sick. It wasn’t until I had eaten something that the confusion had abated, and even then I didn’t realize that it was 6 pm, not 6 am (that is significant since I work nights).

Just as important as it is to pay attention to my work duties, I need to start paying better attention to myself….

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