Sunday, February 15, 2009

So what’s been happening…

I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth yet.  Real Life sometimes intervenes, and I end up away form my computer.  Or it could be I’m just too farking lazy to click on the icon to fire up windows live writer….. A little bit of column A and a little bit of column b is involved.

Anyway, one of the stores located near my work called me in recently as there computer and a Very Important Piece of hardware wasn’t working (not a printer or a scanner, and what it is/was is irrelevant to the post at hand).  There problem was the drivers and the software were written for Windows XP, but the computer they were using had Windows Vista.  I showed them how to use compatibility mode, and we both agreed that there are two ways to lose money: gambling is the quickest, and upgrading to Vista is the surest…  I just hope that one day The Anti-Christ would put out something that doesn’t suck…

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