Saturday, October 20, 2012

That time of the year (or my positions on the issues)

Absentee ballot came in the mail today. Some of the issues involve a lot of controversy. Here’s my positions:

  • Initiative 1185: Voted against it on principal for being a Tim Eyman initiative. He’s put similar measures on the ballot before, and they’ve all been defeated by the court. Tim Eyman is a dumbass. You can’t change the state constitution via the initiative process….
  • Referendum 74: Voted for it. Mainly the opposition to this comes from the religious right. Religious doctrine ought not to have the force of law. And besides, from what I’ve seen same-sex couples are more faithful to their spouses than their foes are (think Newt Gingrich, anyone?)
  • Initiative 502: Voted against  it. Marijuana reform should first take place on the federal level, where it’s still a crime. Once that takes place, then we can revisit it….
  • Joint resolution 8223: Rejected. Public funds don’t belong in the stock market. I pay my taxes to fund them, and I don’t really feel like paying them again to recoup somebody’s losses on the the market. Aren’t we in the middle of a recession now because of somebodys’ irresponsibility in the market?
  • Advisory votes 1 and 2: Voted for them. Neither of these would change the law either way. We voted the legislators in to office, with the implication of trust that they would know how to pass laws for the state. I prefer to let the do their job, and if I’m not satisfied with them, then that’s why we vote for their opponents in the next election….
  • Pierce Transit Proposition 1: I voted against it. People would think that I would vote for it, beings as how I take the bus everywhere, but I’ve had my issues with Pierce Transit. And Pierce Transit has explicitly told me to go pound salt. If you’re going to cop an attitude with me then you don’t need a tax increase….

And now some of the candidates:

  • President: I voted for Barack Obama. He is the best qualified to lead the nation. Most of the economic problems he’s had to deal with he inherited from Dubya…. Mitt Romney just isn’t qualified to be president (and I’m concerned because he isn’t releasing his tax returns….).
  • Senator: Maria Cantwell. She’s been senator since 2000, and she’s pretty good. No major scandals. Let’s keep it that way.
  • Congress: Denny Heck. As a result of the last census, the state gained another congressman, and I’m in the new district that was created.
  • Governor: Jay Inslee. I’m not thrilled with Rob McKenna as AG, and I don’t want him as governor…
  • State Attorney General: Abstain. All I’ve seen from the candidates is them smearing each other, and negative advertising. I will not condone a negative campaign with my vote.
  • Superintendent of Public Instruction: It’s Randy Dorn Time! Yes, he did a DUI, but he also admitted his responsibility.
  • Insurance Commissioner: Mike Kreidler. An elected official who had deomstrated that he has a pair.

These aren’t all the issues I voted on this year, and they may not even be the most important. But my voice will be heard…..

This time of year, it doesn’t really matter how you lean pollitcally. What matters is that you vote….

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