Saturday, October 05, 2013

Pierce Transit is a fucked up clustermuck

This just happened a half hour ago. So I get to the Parkland Transit Center. I see a bus in the 410 bay about the time the 410 is about to leave, but it's sign is out. So I assume that it's a 410, like a reasonable person would, and the driver doesn't say anything otherwise about it being another route. The bus pulls out, and it turns turns out that it's the 204, which goes in the opposite direction. And, of course, the driver has nothing but excuses about the bus not being able to start and/or his sign not working. But that doesn't answer the question about why shit-for-brains parked in the wrong bay to begin with. Needless to say, I'm not going to get to where I'm going on time, and I'm not happy. But this is Pierce Transit we're talking about. They're more about maximizing revenue, while minimizing service...

I know that calling it in won't do any good, and supervisors will just ignore it; so I'll just remember this the next time I see a ballot measure for Pierce Transit.

And I give a special regard to Lynn Griffith, the CEO of Pierce Transit: you're an incompetent jackass.

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