Sunday, November 03, 2013

Hello World, Once Again....

If you can see this, then I've succesfully installed OpenSuSE on my tower. Still can't get blogilo to work, but Firefox still works, so I can blog from the website. Blogger still works from my phone and tablet, so it's not really a big deal. And let's not forget Windows Live Writer.... I'm not yet that advanced to go full Linux yet (and to be honest, I still have concers about my tv tuner, and my game controllers), but I have two 1 tB hard drives (plus a third as an external back-up), so I can still dual-boot with Windows XP (yes, I'm still running XP)....

Edit: my t.v. tuner now works. Reception is little spotty, but I think that's because I have use a splitter (because I have another tv card I use in Windows).

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