Wednesday, February 06, 2019


It’s been really cold the past few days. Like down into the teens. Snowmageddon Mk 1 hit Sunday night. And that was the night that it was my turn to go out and police the parking lot at work. It was very picturesque to be out in the falling snow. I would’ve taken pictures, but my employer frowns upon using personal devices on company time, and I prefer to toe the company line (but more on that later perhaps). Monday morning, the roads were treacherous. Monday was really cold, but the plows were out, and I had no issues getting to work. Tuesday morning, most of the roads I went on were bare and wet pavement (though I only go on the main arteriels). Last night, even the sidewalks were bare. Though it it still freeze your balls off cold outside.

And now they’re saying Snowmageddon Mk 2 will hit this weekend. But still we’re better here than the polar vortex that hit the midwest last week….

For some inexplicable reason, cake seems good today. I just don’t know why. Happy Birthday.

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