Wednesday, September 06, 2023

So, there’s a new Outlook Preview out….

Actually it’s been out for a while, but a recent update to it means that you can use your IMAP mail service as well. I set it up tonight. And then I set up Outlook 365, and there is apparently a way to sync my google calendar with it. I think that Microsoft is trying too hard with this. The Mail and Calendar apps that are already with Windows 10 and Windows 11 already work perfectly fine. But Microsoft says they’re going away. Presumably to shove more ads down your throat (which I don’t see as I use a HOSTS file to kill most of the ads), since the new Outlook (aka LookOut!) is just a webmail shortcut.

But this was just an exercise is setting them up. There is a reason why I prefer to use Mozilla Thunderbird…..

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