Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Let’s try and get organized….

Ok, so I ditched my BlackBerry for another Shadow. Nothing against RIM or the BlackBerry phone, I just feel that I can get more done with a Windows Mobile platform than whatever RIM uses. Since I have Office installed on my computer, I use Outlook to manage my phone’s contacts & schedule. And it just occurred to me today after I overslept & missed a doctor’s appointment: Why not put all this in the Outlook Calender, & it’ll show up in my phone. I don’t know how long this’ll last, with my ever changing work schedule, but it’s worth a shot.

I remember many years ago for Christmas, I got a Day Timer from my my parents. I had just graduated form High School, and I thought it was the coolest thing. But I never used it. My schedule was always beyond the printed hours, or I didn’t have enough to do to make it worth bothering to write down. Now that I’m currently working in two different locations and have to plan with the bus schedule, maybe it’s time to start writing stuff down…

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