Tuesday, November 01, 2011

I voted today….

I filled out the absentee ballot today. This is an ‘off-year’ election, where the main issues are the initiatives. There were also a couple of miscellaneous candidates, most of whom were running unopposed. I had some fun with those. I wrote in JP Patches, Gertrude, and Brakeman Bill. On the initiatives, I voted this:

  • I-1183, I voted no. Both sides have been running misleading ads. I don’t think we need to change the current system of state liquor stores, and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I also voted against this on the principle that the initiative process is there for people to change the law directly, not for Costco to try and buy it.
  • I-1125, I voted no, just on principle. It is a Tim Eyeman initiative, and he has admitted to doing this as a profession, and most, if not all of his initiatives are pure crap. the first one he did that actually passed was promptly thrown out by the supreme court for being poorly written. <rhetoric>Maybe somebody should propose an initiative to have him tarred and feathered. Or deported to France.</rhetoric>.
  • Prop 1. I voted no. This would authorize a tax increase to improve 911 service. If the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department has enough funds to accost me when I’m walking home at night, because I’m on some sort of double-secret probation or because Parkland residents are beneath the protection of the law, then they don’t need any more funding. Hint: not everybody you encounter is a criminal, and treating everyone like suspects and criminals is not really fostering trust in the community. Maybe it was a stop and frisk initiated under false circumstance, but the end results are the same….
  • There were a few other issues, but I voted for them, namely one that would require background checks for senior caregivers. The vunerable need to be protected…

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