Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring is around the corner…

Ok, the calendar says spring is eminent. But the weather that we’ve been having of late has been more reminiscent of January/February/Winter. I got off work on Sunday, and on the way to the bus stop, saw snow coming down. It wasn’t sticking, but it was snowing. Tuesday, on my way to work I noticed that it had snowed, and it stuck until afternoon. Owing to Pierce Transit being run by a bunch of incompetent clods, when I work late, I have to walk an extended distance to catch a bus home. Fortunately, one of my co-workers has a car and she’s been more than generous in giving me a ride home when the weather turns ugly.

My boss is due almost anytime know.

So my already erratic schedule is shot to hell. But, you can only be pregnant so many times, so I’m not going to complain….

Yes, I know have’ve been slacking off in posting. But other things are coming up that need my attention. And I’ve got Facebook, too. But I’m not going to give on my internet soapbox. Then again, there’s so much I want to say, but I hold my tongue because this is a public blog, and it’ll come back to haunt me. I’m no fool. I’ve seen what’s happened to Rush Limbaugh (although I will say that I didn’t need to see the current controversy to know he’s a drug-addicted, misogynistic bigot)….

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