Monday, March 26, 2012

A political post:

First, the first political ad officially posted on my blog:

I really try to stay out of political issues. Yes, I have my opinions, and you have yours. Just because they’re not the same doesn’t mean that either of us are equal. I grew up conservative, but gradually turned towards the liberal side of the spectrum. But not all the answers are going to come from either the left or the right. They’re going to come from both sides. But neither the democrats or republicans can seem to work together. And we’re going to lose because of it. The government almost went into default last summer because they couldn’t work together, and that would’ve royally fucked the country. Maybe the politicos should put aside the Party Dogma, and start talking to the person across the aisle. A house divided against itself  cannot stand. And partison politics in DC is in essence dividing the house against itself…

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