Monday, April 09, 2012

Spring is finally here

Well, yesterday was the Godless Pagan Holiday (Spring). I would've offered the customary human sacrifice for it were it not for the fact the ram's blood is so expensive (and there's the whole it being illegal part, too...). But the  rain is gone for now, and our extraterrestrial overlords are now flying that big yellow UFO in the sky (it is more likely for for us to get invaded by aliens than to have sunny weather in western Washington...). This marks the first day this year that I can put the heavy coat away and go with a sweatshirt...

My boss had been pregnant for about the last nine months or so. Emphasis on the past tense. Thursday night/Friday morning, she had a baby boy. I don't know too many of the particulars, I just saw the pictures on Facebook, and they're not answering the phones (and I'm not calling them, either).

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