Monday, June 18, 2012

So I went to the doctor last week….

I know I haven’t been posting as often as I used to. I mainly Facebook now, though I’ll still use this as my original soapbox in the Internet. With Facebook’s IPO royally tanking, and talk of Facebook’s eventual decline (a la MySpace), I may come back to this blog. I’m not abandoning it. I just may not be as active on it…

Having said that, I went to my doctor’s office last week. As a type I diabetic, every check-up comes with an A1C blood test. 10 years ago, when I was initially diagnosed, this test was done with a full blown blood draw (they did a finger-stick in the office to check my sugar at the time, too). Ususally, they also did a full work-up (ie cholesterol, liver, thryoid, etc), which is also how I was diagnosed 4 years ago with hypothyroidism (which runs in my mother’s family). Nowadays, they can do the A1C on a fingerstick, too. This was the first doctor’s visit in a while where I could get away with not getting bled. But I was told to lose weight….

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