Sunday, October 30, 2016

It is finished…

My ballot is filled out and will soon by on it’s way to the dropbox. And I voted for Hilary. Both Clinton and Trump have their flaws. While nobody is perfect, Donald Trump has neither the qualifications nor the temperment to be President. A Trump White house just plain scares me. He has openly called for the exclusion of refugees just because of their religious beliefs. He has openly glorified sexual assault. I don’t care if those comments were made over 10 years ago, and he has refuted them as locker-room talk. Most sports teams (especially in high school/college) also have emphasis on character, and this kind of talk wouldn’t be tolerated. Grabbing a woman by her (slang word for femal anatomy) is sexual assault, plain and simple. And then there has been the fat-shaming on Twitter. Respect for women (and all people, for that matter) is a very good thing. And then there’s been the multiple instances of adultery (of his three wives, he’s cheated on at least two). Yes, there was Monica Lewinsky. And Paula Jones (possibly). But they’re still married. To each other. Some have claimed that he is qualified to be president based on his success as a businessman. But he’s not that good of a businessman. Too many bankruptcies. Too many investors and employess shortchanged. As a worker who has had paychecks bounce, that really matters to me. In my first presidential election, I voted third party. But this election, the stakes were too high. If it were up to me I would’ve voted for Bernie Sanders. But even he has endorsed Hilary. Mike Pence was a viable alternative, but the risk of voting for Donald Trump is too great.

Irregardless of the outcome of November 8th, America is the only nation where the government and swing from one extreme to another every four years peacefully. Actually, as of the next inaguration, both parties will have had equal time in the White House since Dwight D. Eisenhower.

When I was growing up, and throughout high school, I found my political views to be skewed to the right. Then I start moving to the left. Now, I find my views to be skewed to the left. But I don’t vote along party lines. Trust me. If Trump wasn’t running, I would’ve most likely voted Republican.

But there is something that has got to stop. The polarization. This is America, people. And we need to work together. Just because somebody doesn’t have the exact same views as you doesn’t mean that they’re pure evil incarnate. It is possible to be morally conservative and socailly liberal at the same time….

Yes, I’ve voted. I’ve done my duty. If you don’t agree with my views, then you’re free to vote according to your conscience as well.

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