Monday, December 30, 2019

So, Christmas was a week ago…

So, Christmas was a week ago. Christmas Eve was the Big Bryant Family Reunion. Much food was consumed. I had eaten Mickey Dee’s earlier in the day, and that afternoon it had come back up to haunt me, so only had one plate (which I kept down, btw). Then there was the gift exchange. As usual, it was white elephant style, dispersed by drawing. I’ve found a new tradition. I’m now wrapping my present just by putting it in my most recent McDonald’s bag. Worked last year, and it worked this year. All it means to the recipient is that there will be a good chance that there will be a packet of salsa in there as well. Fun was had by all, and I made it a point to give an extra Target gift card to one of my cousins (said cousin has been known to make a bee-line straight for my gift if it is known that brought a Target card, and I just wanted to do something special especially for this cousin). Because of my day/night schedule at work, by the time I got home, I had been up for close to 24 hours, and I went straight to bed (normally I watch Midnight Mass from St. James Cathedral on TV).

So I slept in on Christmas Day as late as I could, and then we went to my younger brothers for Christmas. We had a Taco Bar. Everything is even better with a Taco Bar. I brought a 2 liter of strawberry soda as a tribute to mother. Then gifts were exchanged. Nieces and nephews got their gift cards to Target (yes, that’s where I did most of my Christmas shopping this year), and siblings got their coffee. And I even got something for my nephew’s girlfriend (another one of my traditions is the Spare Present).

This year, I did 9/10’s of my shopping at Target. I ordered most of my shopping online from my phone on my way to Mrs Fields one day. From the items I received, the one that stands out the most was the three cans of SPAM my father gave me. I was to receive them last year, but for some reason they were forgotten. I quick check of the useby dates, and they’re still good. I also got a flashlight/worklight, some shoe gel inserts, and an Atari Flashback 8 Gold. And I’m just as thankful for the 3 cans of year old SPAM that I am for the video game console.

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