Wednesday, August 19, 2020

New Flight Stimulator is out...

 Finally. After over a decade, they released a new Flight Simulator yesterday. And it was my birthday. So I went over to Steam and bought it. And then spent three+ hours downloading it. So far there are issues with my joystick controller, but I'm impressed with the graphics. While troubleshooting the controller, I ended up messing the software installation up so much that I decided a rebuild was warranted. I know what's going to happen. I'm going to end up getting the new Airbus controller. But given that price, and the $132+ that I just shelled out, that's not going to happen for a while. And then there's the video card I've been eyeballing. The card I put in a year ago is now the bare minimum for FS 2020.

Yesterday was also the first day of the Caribbean Premier League. Hooray West Indies (which is also the cheer I give whenever Pakistan plays)...

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