Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Fun With The Cable Company

Comcast sucks. Comcast sucks hard. Case in point, last week, I decided to address a chronic issue that I’ve been having (namely whenever I downloaded something big, my TV pixelated and stalled). Basically because my main tower and my cable box were both wi-fi based. And because the cable box was wi-fi, the cable modem had to be on the same outlet as the DVR. Basically, I needed my wired cable box back. So I packed up the old box and took it to the Cable store in Federal Way (also called upon Mrs, Fields and did a bank run for the owner). This was the high point of the caper. My cable box return was accepted, and I received a wired box (and after previous misadventures, verified as X1 compatible). Get home, hook the box up to the outlet in my room. And unable to connect (same issue I had last fall). So I sent them a message on Facebook. And waited. And waited. And waited. And then I called them out on Twitter. And finally I got a response. To send them a DM (which I already had, since experience has taught me that it’s the same team that handles Facebook and Twitter). Finally I broke down and sent them another direct message, with the first paragraph already including all the information that they ask you (you know, like name address and phone number). And their initial reply after already telling them that was to ask me for my name and phone number. And I told them to stick it. Sorry, but if you’re not even going to bother reading my complaint, then don’t waste my time. At the time, I told Comcast to consider this to be their notification that I would be withholding payment until the matter was addressed. And then I sent out an Executive Email Carpet Bomb. It wasn’t until after over 12 hours from the time I sent my initial request for help that I got an answer. And I replied. And I didn’t get an answer for 2+hours later. (this all went down on my day off). I went to bed and got woken up by a phone call. Comcast corporate office (apparently they’re incapable of using the ‘reply’ key when they get an email). I let voicemail handle it.

While struggling to go to sleep, it occurred to me that I already had the solution. When we first moved in, I had a third cable box installed in my brother’s room, and the outlet that was being used was in my room. So I had the installer snake the cable all the around my room along the wall into my brother’s room. That didn’t last long, the box was returned, but the cable line stayed. It was out of the way, so why move it? So I go to work, still getting Facebook messages from Comcast wanting to reset my boxes and my modem. I finally told them that I was work, I’m no longer taking personal messages while at work, and they had plenty of time to address already (remember they didn’t answer my initial message for over 12 hours. Get home from work, pull the cable out, hook my box up. And everything works. Ended up moving the cable modem into my room. It has Wi-Fi 6 so my brother will still have internet access. Upshot of that is that my tower can now connect with a physical cable, and that is always faster than wi-fi. As for the cable’s routing, it had go across a hallway, and over a closet door, so a $7 bag of cable staples from Spamazon later, I had under control…

So back to that Executive Email Carpet Bomb. I sent them an email. And they tried calling me. I called them back (Sprint has a service to transcribe voicemail. I highly recommend it). And somehow I ended up being bounced back their regular phone tree. Comcast’s executives basically told me to go pound sand. Let that sink in.

I’m under a contract with Comcast. Notwithstanding they have still raised my rates, and cut channels. Their customer service is abysmal. If you have a problem, even their executives don’t anything to do with you. They’ll gladly take your money, and the god forbid you should actually try and use the service you pay for (oh, they did offer me a $40 for my troubles, but I declined for ethical reasons. I didn’t have the heart to explicitly tell the executive team into which orifice they could stick it)…

Comcast, you suck. Go back to ignoring your customers.

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