Wednesday, June 15, 2022

It works!

My portable AC died a couple of weeks ago. Unplugged it, plugged it back in. And it didn’t work. So I unplugged it for good, and used my old window fan (that my brother got me back in 2003 when we were living in Puyallup). The weather has been extremely cool of late, so it sufficed. At the time, by the time I got that situation straightened out, it was 5:30 in the afternoon, and there was no way that I was going to get any sleep (my alarm goes off at 7 on weeknights), so I preemptively called out of work. I am a firm believer in it’s better to be absent than be a zombie.

Fast forward to this morning. Computer rebuild is progressing, currently downloading all my Epic Games Store games (seriously, you can score some really good games for free from them). The new processor and heatsink are working (though I’m going to hold on to the old parts, as they still work)…. Anyway, it comes time to get ready for bed, and I thought why not try the air conditioner again. Plugged it in, and it turned on. So, I’ve set it back up again.

It still works. Which is good, as I can’t afford to replace it…

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