Sunday, December 25, 2022

Memories of Christmas past….

Growing up in all the various and sundry places we used to live (military family, but that’s another post). Getting up after a sleepless night, and going to our stockings. And finding it topped off with a single serving sized box of cereal. I usually got Raisin Bran (to this day, it is still one of my favorites). Some years, there was a big jar of pickles next to it (I still like pickles).

Fast forward to today. Since my brother and I go out to our sister’s house to celebrate, we dispense with the Christmas tree. Got up this morning, and brought my gift to my brother out (nothing much, just a tin of popcorn and a gift card to Wally World).

And as for the single serving sized boxes of cereal, we just ubered Jack(ing Off) In The Box

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