Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Yet another weekend is ending….

Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. There’s really been nothing to report. Worked. Came home. Slept. Repeated. But life goes on. Just because I’m not writing here doesn’t mean I’m dying of boredom.

Another season of Battlebots is on. Because I’m at work when it comes on, I stream it on my weekend.

Pulled the trigger and went to Windows 11. With Start11 and WindowBlinds, I can at least address the main concerns I had with Windows 11, namely the Start Menu. I am going to miss the Windows 10 live tiles, but that’s an issue with the OS itself. I figure if I’m not going to have the live tiles, then I can at least have a Windows 7 style start menu…

So, a couple of weeks ago I got an email from Comcast that I need to replace the modem owing to a speed upgrade. However the shipping address they have has not been used for over 10 years (my building/apartment number had to change due to another utility company requirement), and Comcast at the time said it couldn’t be updated. The Executive Email Carpet Bomb I sent last week (along with a detailed explanation as to why all the other avenues to address this are now pointless)….

So now the weekend is ending. Soon, it’ll be time to go to bed and then start the work week again….

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