Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Lessons learned today.

No matter how tempting it is, don’t upgrade your cpu cooler if your current one works. Actually I learned that one last November. Next one is that if you do decide to do something that stupid, look at the instructions first to see if you can install it.

So for Christmas, Dad gave us all gift cards to Spamazon. And this caught my eye. So I pulled the trigger. Actually installing the heat sink wasn’t the issue. And even the fan fit my ram. The problem came with plugging in the fan header. I ended up having to take the fan off, plugging in the header, and then reattaching it.

The real trouble came when I put the tower back to together. I thought I had properly seated my video card. So I plug everything back in and turn the computer on. I see lights. Good. It’s not in a boot loop. Good. I hear the Windows XP startup sound, but nothing on the monitor. Uh oh. So, it’s pull the tower back out, pop it open, and the video card wasn’t even seated in its slot at all. Fixed that, screwed everything down, and plugged everything in. And now it works.

Remember kids, if it works perfectly fine then think twice about upgrading….

BTW, I’ll have to repeat this next week. Also ordered a new hard drive. But the way my tower was designed, I won’t even need any tools to do it….

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