Normally, I'd post this last night, but I had to work (it's to self: never tell your boss that you're 'dry'). So 2023 had ended and 2024 is here. I dint want to go into the headlines about what happened or who died this year (hint: use your Google-Fu). Nevertheless, in no particular order or priority, here's what happened that probably won't make headlines:
I bought no shoes this year. Spend a few more dollars now, and they'll last longer than the cheap ones.
I decided no more upgrades to my tower. This actually lasted until Newegg's Cyber Monday sale. Ave regrettably, I wasn't done. There was another Ssd that I found on sale and I had to order it. It's still in shipment.
Pulled my laptop out. Wiped it. Twice. And got it to work. Again.
Started brewing coffee by the pot again. Mainly because ground coffee can be cheaper than k pods.
I arbitrarily decided that Sri Lanka is a part of West Indies (an inside joke with a coworker home terribly wrong}).
I wrote at least one party from my phone. Namely, this one....
Threw out my big office chair (it broke), Ave leave it with a cheap desk chair. Which means I cleaned off my easy chair. Now when I'm at my computer avd I want to take a nap, I have to actually go to bed.
Ave there are a few other things that happened but I'm not mentioning here. Discretion is the better part of valor....