Wednesday, May 01, 2024

A Discovery Tonight….

So I was playing Flight Simulator X just now. Once upon a time (back when I was still using the DVD-Rom version), I tried the DirectX 10 version, and most of the scenery didn’t render at all. So I never checked the box again. Fast-forward through subsequent computers (I think at least three) and an migration to the Steam version, and I’m still running without it. Numerous video cards, processor upgrades, and at least 3 OS upgrades (from Windows 7 to Windows 11). Vrey recently with my current hardware, I was able to crank the display settings to the max, but my in game framerate was still in the low to mid 20s (didn’t bother me since a typical cinema is only 24 fps).

Fast forward to Monday afternoon (this is being written very early on a Wednesday morning), when I was setting up FSX after a system wipe again (Lets just say that I’m not too big on AI and mandatory ads in the start menu so I went back to Windows 10). While setting up the display settings, I hit the DirectX 10 switch, just to see what happened. It’s almost as if I got a brand new Flight Sim. Everything renders as before, but the framerate is almost double as is was before. I did have to turn off the lens flare. It’s great that it renders, but I just don’t like it….

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