Thursday, May 23, 2024

This is why I don’t throw out hard drives….

So, back in 2007 (if I did blog it then, I’ve deleted the entry), I bought a 160gb hard drive. Pulled out one of the 30gb drives I was using (and gave it away, IIRC). Served on my Gateway tower for almost 2 years before the Tower gave up the ghost. Bought a new tower, which came with a SATA hard drive, but still had a IDE ribbon cable slot, so I used as an archive/backup for a couple of years. Then my economic situation progressed, and I was able to go completely SATA. The hard drive got set aside. And forgotten. A few years later, and this ‘new’ tower gives up the ghost, and I replace it with an HP Pavilion. No IDE slots whatsoever. By this time, I had forgotten about the drive completely. Built my tower in 2019 (and completely rebuilt it in 2021). Again no IDE slots. During my misadventures on the internet I saw an ad (from Wally World even for an IDE/usb interface), and I remembered that I sill had the drive. So I pulled the trigger. And there have so far been at least 2 occasions where I’ve had to pull files off of that drive that none of my other hard drives had.

BTW, I also have a USB external hard drive mount, so I can still access all of my old SATA drives…

Sometimes being a digital pack rat does pay off…

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