Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Last Day….

Got up way too early this afternoon. Got my order from Wally World put away (my Spamazon arrived yesterday). Got an email from GOG about a free variant of Fallout 4. Though it turns out that it was an add-on to Fallout 4. Looking at Steam, and I see that GOG has it on sale. So I pulled the trigger. I also placed an order from Newegg, and that should arrive Saturday.

The other thing I also did on my vacation was a complete system wipe. I really didn’t need to do it. I just decided to do it. And I just finished it tonight.

So this vacation will mainly be know for socks, boxers, and Fallout 4 GOTY….

Day 4 Vacation Report…

Forgot to turn my alarm off, so I woke up like I was going to work. No problem. That’s what naps are for. But if the alarm hadn’t woken me up, what Phil was cooking would’ve. And it was so good that I did the dishes myself (it was also because I needed a cup of coffee, and I needed to clear the counter to the coffeemaker…. Anyway, once again, nothing was done, Ass-sitting achieved.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Vacation Day 3: Report. Nothing has been achieved!

Did nothing at all. No errands. No adulting. No Laundry. And it actually takes effort to do nothing at all…

Update: as I was writing this, I got a text from the apartment manager regarding a leak from my toilet. Rather than play text tag, I just walked down to the office wherein she told me that she had a really old note from maintenance from when she had just started. I explained that her predecessor’s last act of office was to have our toilet replaced. Back in December.

And it hasn’t leaked since then,,,,

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Adulting update (also Vacation Day 2: Report)…

While I’m on vacation, I try to keep the adulting to a minimum. It is necessary, yes. But I try to keep the  disruption to my ass sitting to a minimum.

So, I went to Target this morning (never mind the previous spelling. I was on my phone, and that’s how my smart keyboard renders Target). And what I was looking for was under lock and key. And there were no Team Members (it’s been over 25 years since I worked for Target, and that’s what the employees were called back then) around to unlock the case, so I just got a couple of 2 liters of The Nectar Of The Gods and left. Though it did get me out of the house. And because I showed up to the bus stop right as the downtown Tacoma express showed up, and I subsequently connected to the Route 574  right away. Sometimes it’s quicker to go from Parkland to Federal Way than to Lakewood or Puyallup.

Long story short, I didn’t find what I was looking for at Target. I get home, and promptly find and order what I was looking for from Wally World. And I also ordered some socks from Spamazon.

There was also that Executive Email Carpet Bomb I tried with Comcast last night. Got a voicemail from them an hour ago (phone’s on silent for reasons). Maybe I should call them back. Then again I prefer written correspondence for a reason…..

Adulting:Round 2.5...

Cable went out last night for a planned 'network upgrade' that they ship conveniently didn't tell us about. Got me pissed off enough that I sent an email to Brian Robert's, the CEO asking why the service is so piss-poor. I hunt think I'll get a response, but at least my complaint has been made. In writing.

And for my session of vacation adulting, I'm on my way to Targèt now. Though Targèt runs have always been day-off adulting in the past.... 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Vacation Day 1 Report....

Normally on vacation, I try to spend as much time as I can sitting on my ass doing nothing. But adulting must happen. Still today I did laundry and paid the two bills that were coming due. Also on the agenda is a trip to Targèt and Wally World, but those can wait. After all I'm on vacation, and I can put it off if I want to... 

Sunday, July 21, 2024


I'm off for the next 5 days. Almost missed the bus, but I still was able to catch it. Now to go home and do as little as possible.... 

Monday, July 15, 2024

So much has happened….

First off, don’t try to assassinate Cheetos-Face. We need to defeat him at the ballot box, not with a bullet. Political violence is wrong. If you don’t know why I’m writing this, then brush up on your Google-Fu.

While we’re still on the presidential election: yes, Biden tanked the first debate. He’s getting up there in years, but Trump is no spring chicken either. Anyway, when I cast my vote, I will vote for the most qualified candidate. And Donald Trump is unfit to lead, as per the New York Times. But we’ll see when the conventions this summer….

In the past week, we’ve lost Dr. Ruth, Richard Simmons, Shannen Doherty, and Shelly Duvall. May they spend all eternity frolicking in the Beer Volcano and Stripper Factory. Ramen….