Monday, July 15, 2024

So much has happened….

First off, don’t try to assassinate Cheetos-Face. We need to defeat him at the ballot box, not with a bullet. Political violence is wrong. If you don’t know why I’m writing this, then brush up on your Google-Fu.

While we’re still on the presidential election: yes, Biden tanked the first debate. He’s getting up there in years, but Trump is no spring chicken either. Anyway, when I cast my vote, I will vote for the most qualified candidate. And Donald Trump is unfit to lead, as per the New York Times. But we’ll see when the conventions this summer….

In the past week, we’ve lost Dr. Ruth, Richard Simmons, Shannen Doherty, and Shelly Duvall. May they spend all eternity frolicking in the Beer Volcano and Stripper Factory. Ramen….

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