Friday, May 23, 2008

Making the switch

Since spring of last year, I've been using a Samsung T619 as my cell phone.  This was my first contract (as in a post-paid, sign your life away to T-Mobile, and sell your mother's soul to the devil) phone in many years.  My previous phones (a Nokia 6030 and a Nokia 3595 were prepaid).  It has given much good service, and I enjoyed my first 'flip' phone.  But it has its limits, and I wanted something that I could put .mp3s on from my computer (and use them as my ringtone, which I cannot do with my current phone).  Earlier this year, my boss acquired a surplus phone from one of his relatives, and offered it to me.  And I took it.  So my new(?) phone is a Motorola Motorizr Z3.  Compared to the old phone, it has a memory card slot, so I can dump a whole load of .mp3s on it (and I can now use the Lumberjack Song for my ringtone without having to buy it from T-zones.  Stick it to the Man!), the camera has a flash (a darn good one too.  Brighter than my flashlight), and I can use the gmail application without having to open my phone's browser (a must, since I almost use my gmail address exclusively...)

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