Tuesday, September 26, 2006

WorldNet members-forum and topics.hot

As some (if not most, or all) of the loyal readers of my blog may know, I am also a member of AT&T WorldNet (wikipedia article here). They were my first 'real ISP'. When I bought my computer from Gateway, they included a years free membership in AOHell, and I tried that for all of a month (in my opinion of ISP's, AOHell doesn't count). I've stayed with AT&T all these years (even after I switched ISP's to Comcast) because of AT&T usenet server, and more importantly, the internal newsgroups that were exclusive to AT&T. In that news server, there are two newsgroups that are the subject of this post:
  1. worldnet.members-forum, and
  2. wordnet.topics.hot
(note: these are internal AT&T newsgroups, so it would be pointless for me to link to them, as you would need an AT&T account to access them. Firewalls can be a bitch).

Members-forum (or mf) was originally intended to be a 'water-cooler' type newsgroup, for friendly discussions, trivia postings & what have you. Topics.hot was intended for more 'serious' and controversial discussions (not always political, but a great majority is). Since politics tends to be a very polarizing subject, it is strongly encouraged to keep politically related posts in topics.hot. The problem happens when stuff that belongs in topics.hot gets posted to members-forum. In the past when I've seen this, I just simply posted my reply into the correct newsgroup. Last weekend, I posted to a thread which drew a complaint that it should've gone to the other group, and then somebody else didn't like me replying in another (in my opinion, more appropriate group). I decided to to cancel all my posts to the AT&T news server (I still have usenet access through SuperNews, though), and this weekend, I seriously thought about cancelling my AT&T account.

I have decided to keep my AT&T account. Apparetently, I need Martha's approval before I can leave. Beside's, somebody has to keep Beauregard T. Shagnasty in line.

As to the gentleman who first complained about me posting replies to the other group (calling it talking behind his back), I will respect your wishes and not reply to your posts in other groups. Welcome to my kill-file.

As to the other posters who would post material to the wrong group (usually stuff that should be in topics.hot but is posting it to members-forum), I will not post the reply to the appropriate group. I will report it to abuse instead, and you will risk losing your account.

Note to AT&T: It would behoove you to follow members-forum and topics.hot closely. There are usually only 2-3 people who are the main offenders and TOSing them would to wonders to improve the signal to noise ratio as well as reducing the personal attacks and insults that still occur.

One of my favorite all-time characters....

The Great Cornholio. From Beavis and Butthead. Apparently, it is no longer being shown on MTV (but the DVDs are available). It's too bad. I could always count on the MTV moron-a-thon's to get a good laugh.

String Theory (in a nutshell, sorta)

OK, so The Hot Thing going on in Physics is string theory (flash presentation here, originally pointed out to me by Ditty). In a nutshell, it says that superstrings vibrating in the 10th dimension create all the subatomic particles in this universe (and all the other universes). Now, let's make this easier to understand. Instead of super strings, substitute Noodly Appendages. String theory is nothing more than The Flying Spaghetti Monster revealing Himself to select scientists. Ramen.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Friday, September 22, 2006

Dammit Scotty, stop making popcorn with the engine!

Found this in today's online travels: A microwave powered 'rocket' engine. Possibly, the next revuolution in space travel. Then again, it could also be time for shiny side out.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A little reality lesson for you......

All of the world's problems can be seen in just a few pixels. Yet another reminder that all of humanity is but a pale blue dot in the cosmos (I actually did read the Carl Sagan book by the same name. You'd be better off with the original Cosmos). With that in mind, all of life's problems pale in comparision. Actually this was taken from the Cassini probe in orbit around Saturn.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Arrrrr. Talk like a pirate today.

Today be International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Get ye yar pirate name here. Then get yar ship's name here. The get yar band and plunder.

I be the Dread Pirate Flint.

Ramen. (Let us also remember that International Talk Like A Pirate Day is a major holiday in the Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster).

Monday, September 11, 2006

One final thought tonight.....

If you can't see The Underpants Gnomes, you haven't had enought coffee, yet. But if you start to feel a draft, perhaps you've had too much.


At long last, football season is upon us again. Forget college football, I'm talking about the National Football League. No longer must I fear The New World Order, Mind-Control Division. But, alas, I have to work at the $dayjob on Sundays (in fact I have to from opening to closing), so I can only catch the fourth quarter of of the evening game (btw the Manning/Manning game was a dandy. Well, at least the last quarter of it). But thank goodness for Monday Night Football. The boss does know that if I have to work on Sundays, I better get Monday night off. Or else.

Five years ago....

Five years ago today (yes, I know it's bit on the late side for this, but I had to work today), I got out of bed, flipped the TV on only to see the news about the first tower being hit. A few minutes later, I saw the second plane hit. I had to leave to go to work (I worked in downtown Seattle at the time, and I took a while to get there by bus). While on the bus to Seattle, I heard of the plane hitting the Pentagon (and I called my brother to put the news on), and of the collapse of the two towers. When I got to work, I received confirmation that the towers had collapsed (at work, I really don't have access the news media, and I had to rely on hearsay and the telephone). My boss showed up, and about an hour after our arrival, building management announced that the Westlake Center (I was in retail at the time) was closing for the day. After going home, I finally saw what had happened in New York, and the reality had dawned on me. Terrorists had struck America. America is a free country, and because of that, there are those who want to see America destroyed. Unfortunately (for them), it will take a lot more than four jetliners to do it.

I once heard it said that wars over religion were basically wars over who has the better invisible friend.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Hawk-Man is hiring......

Stephen Hawking is hiring. You know, that wheel chair physics guy. Among other things, you'll need to maintain his computer & equipment. You will also travel with him, and assist with with the preparation of his semnars, lectures and public papers. A working knowledge of hard-core gangsta rap is also a must (after all, this is MC Hawking we're talking about...)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

RIP Crocodile hunter

Steve Irwin has passed away. Also here. When I first got cable TV, and saw the Animal Planet channel, it mainly was Flipper reruns and The Corocodile Hunter. I looked forward to his appearances on The Tonight Show and on Late Nite With Conan O'Brien, laughing my ass off everytime he was on. There was one particular appearance when he took down and tagged Conan O'Brien like he was a crocodile that will stand out for a long while.

I will miss him.