Friday, April 23, 2010

My Next Act of Stupidity….

I joined Twitter. Along with Facebook, and MySpace. I don’t update to MySpace that much anymore, but I’m still on it. I’m more likely to be on Facebook these days (especially since my phone can almost integrate my facebook into my address book). This blog will will still be my Internet Soapbox where I can air my grievances at the world. Twitter I think will be a place to post my GPS updates when I want the Internet to know where I’m at (though I can post that here, too)…

Edit: I decided to delete Twitter. Everything I can do on Twitter, I can do here. And I’m already established here…


IgwanaRob said...

Facebook is as evil as Google :-p

Roger Bryant said...

Which is why it is important to vet all details you post to any website. Yes, I've disabled most of the Facebook apps, when I first saw this (I read the consumerist too). As for Google, in my opinion, the benefits outweigh the risks, but still one must always remember that what you post on the Internet will come back to haunt you.

Btw, the SWYPE keyboard really rocks. This comment was written on it.