Tuesday, January 14, 2020


I should’ve titled this post ‘Cocaine…’

Anyway, the white stuff came down last night. Actually it started early Monday morning (and since I work overnights, to me it was evening). Anyway it wasn’t really sticking yesterday. That much. When I woke up last night, it was sticking. And it was still snowing. For most of last night, it snowed. I stayed home, ordered pizza, and watched AB De Villiers make his Big Bash League debut (yes, I like T20 Cricket). Then I played some Flight Simulator. And it still snowed. Sometime last night, I also decided not to make my traditional Tuesday Morning Trip up to Mrs. Fields. And I also decided my traditional errands that I normally run today can be put off as well. It’s my weekend. The roads are treacherous. I’m staying inside.

20 years ago, I bought my coat from Target (or was it Mervyns?). I’ve had other coats since then, but I’ve always used this one. Until Friday night, when the zipper finally broke. I tried borrowing one of my brother’s coats (props to him for literally offering my anything in his closet, save the one he was wearing at the time). I’ve order my replacement coat (from Target, naturally), but it’ll be about a week before it arrives. Correction: UPS says it’ll be here Friday.

But for now, I’m going back to staying indoors….

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