Thursday, April 15, 2021

About every 3 years or so….

Feeling much better than last night. Still, I called out from work while get over the tail end of the side effects of Tuesday’s shot. At one time last night, I was temping at 100.1. At 4 am, I decided to go to bed and sleep it off (for those of you keeping score at home, I work overnights, and I sleep during the day. Most of the time). And sleep I did. Aside from a couple of bathroom breaks, and 1 insulin shot, I slept for 12 hours.

But enough about my Covid shot. Sunday morning on the way home from work I paid both the cable bill and the phone bill. And in celebration, I ordered pizza. And I promptly spill blue cheese dressing on my keyboard. No worries. I pried the keys off to wipe them off, but the spacebar wasn’t working right afterward. So I ordered one from Newegg. The exact same model, so I could just plug it in and go. And it just occured to me and three years and change before, I had to replace my keyboard (this time I spilled coffee on it). And three years or so before that, I replaced the keyboard with one from Spamazon. They have all been the same model (Logitech Wave 350). And they’ve all outlasted the batteries that were installed in them…

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