Wednesday, June 16, 2021

So an opportunity came up last week…

I told a couple of friends that the Mrs Fields had closed, and one of them replied that they had an opening. So I put my hat into the ring. And last Friday, I got a phone call. The talk was for a closing position, but he closed at the same time I started my work, but he told me I could change my start time and ride my bike. Not thinking about it, I thought it was cool. And so that ‘night’ (remember I sleep during the day) I got my bike ready. Then I went to bed. Somewhere during the day, I realized the distances involved. 85+ blocks. No go for my bike. A quick look at Google Maps showed that there was a nearby bus stop. And the Metro route that serves it has 24/7 service. But to make the connection to my other job would still involve connecting to Pierce Transit, and they essentially shut down at 10pm. So it’s still a no go. Ultimately it boils down to the logistics aren’t there. And I cant just quit my current job for it, either.

And the final nail in the coffin was that I did talk to management about if I could shift my schedule an hour (just for the sake of due diligence). And I was told that they are unable to change the schedules at this time (basically everyone on the overnight shift needs to have the same schedule).I haven’t said anything about this, as I feel it would be beating a dead horse, and I don’t want to inflame the situation any further…

So an opportunity came up last week. And I had to pass on it…

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