Wednesday, October 12, 2022

A farewell to my tower….

So, after I got my video card 2 weeks or so ago, I wiped everything last week. And tonight I finished it. Redownloaded almost all of my games, including my Spamazon, Steam, Epic, Origin (now EA), Ubisoft, and Gog libraries. Almost 7 Tb. And now I’m backing up my key files to an external hard drive. Some people use cloud backups, but in reality, the so-called ‘cloud’ is just somebody else’s computer. At least with an external drive, I’m not worrying about my cloud credentials getting compromised. And you can’t get hacked if your drive is powered down.

Origin has switched to EA. Basically,the Origin app is going away, and your EA Games library will be played through the EA app. After downloading the entire library through the Origin app, I tried to switch to the EA app, but on the first attempt, it was requiring updates to my entire library. Which took forever to download, and install. I had to redownloaded everything. Again. But I got it to work, and more importantly, it kept me busy on my days off…

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