Sunday, February 03, 2008

So much hard work

To get an undefeated regular season.  And it's good only for second place.  Tom Brady gets his Well-Deserved Beating, coming from the usual source of quarterback beatings: the defensive line (in this case the Giants).

This also marks the first time that a wild-card team has even made it to the Super Bowl (not a small feat in and of itself).  It just makes winning it that much more a sweeter victory.  ALL HAIL ELI MANNING!

I do have to admit that after the Seahawks got beat by the Packers, I was rooting for New York and Indianapolis to make it the Super Bowl, so I could watch the Manning Bowl, but fate did not dictate that.

Now to go follow the NHL, and in a couple of months you'll need to put your tin-foil hats back on because The New World Order (Mind-Control Division) will be starting up again.....

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