Monday, January 05, 2009

MySpace, Facebook, Blogger or ???

I’ve had this blog since 2006.  Last September (or August, I can’t remember), I finally got a MySpace page.  Then my boss mentioned facebook, and I got a facebook page.  Some of my friends & relatives like MySpace, but most prefer facebook.  For the most part, I like facebook too, but there are some of my friends who prefer myspace.  The two are good for keeping in touch, but I actually prefer blogger.  I know MySpace has a blogging feature, but I’ve already had my virtual soapbox here set up for almost three years.  And I really don’t like all the pimped & blinged out myspace pages, either.  And don’t get me started on R&B music, either…..

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1 comment:

IgwanaRob said...

I signed up for all of them to check them out, and rarely bother even looking at them.

MySpace is the new AOL, maybe even worse, with all the spam, annoying auto-play music, and seizure inducing graphics.

Facebook seems more for unscrupulous marketing and spam harvesting.

Blogger is obviously the more specific service, without the more useless bells and whistles, but it serves it's function well.

I see it like this - if you want to keep track of your own stuff the only relatively safe thing is to have your own site, and therefore control of what happens to the stuff you do with it. As long as you provide an RSS feed for people to track using a stand-alone or web-based feed reader, the Live Bookmarks function of Firefox, or even service like iGoogle/My Yahoo/etc that lets you add syndication feeds to your homepage, then people have an easy way of keeping in touch with you.

If a site doesn't have an RSS/XML/ATOM feed for my feed-reader (FeedDemon), than it's a pretty safe bet that I won't be back. Heck, even Twitter has RSS feeds. These days, the only time I really go to a site directly is to comment :-)

Of course, I guess it all depends on what the people you are trying to keep in touch with use, but in general people seem to move around too much as sites move in and out of popularity. Ff I have to play some internet based hide-and-seek to find someone, it's more likely that I'll give up after a while than constantly keep updating bookmarks, feeds, email addresses, etc.