Wednesday, September 27, 2017

On the NFL protests….

Before someone else goes on about ‘respect for the flag’, think of this. It is only a flag. It represents values and freedom. And can think of no greater respect for those values and freedom by non-violently protesting your cause. Seriously, most of those up in arms about the players taking knees and/or sitting down during the national anthem are probably the ones who were buying beer and/or using the can during the nation anthem itself.

Think about it, without protest we wouldn’t have most civil rights legislation. India wouldn’t be independent. And quite frankly, we wouldn’t have an America either. They have a right to protest. Just as you, too.

America has become so divisive of late. Every Monday, I used to be able to discuss the previous days’ football games. Now, I won’t mention them in accordance with my pledge to keep work non-partisan. America is too divided, and I can no longer enjoy football…

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