Thursday, September 07, 2017

Saw Dad today….

My dad is now out of Madigan. He was discharged in to acute rehab. At Good Sam hospital in Puyallup. My younger sister made that call. It was either that or St. Joe’s in Tacoma (or a bunch of hospitals in Seattle), and it was decided basically by looking at the bus lines. It’s easier for the non-driving children to make it Puyallup.

Basically, my father had a stroke on the left Posterior Cerebral Artery, and all the symptoms that he’s been showing reflect that. My uncle Bill was discussing this with his doctor at Madigan, and make no doubt about, this was a major stroke. He’s only communicating with 1 or 2 words at a time, and he’s sleeping a lot. And there’s a lot that he has to relearn again. But he is trying. And he still recognizes his children….

All will be well. It may not be the same as before. But all will be well…

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