Thursday, September 20, 2018

Been feeling kinda sick this past week

Started out last Monday when I woke up with chest pains. Don’t ask me why I didn’t call 911 or go to the Emergency Room, but it just didn’t feel like a coronary. I went to work Monday night, and worked my shift as scheduled. When I got on the bus home the next day the pains had subsided (basically it just nerves/psychosomatic). But when I went to work the following Thursday, I had the aches and pains. You know, the aches and pains you get when you get sick. It was a premonition. And I could tell that this was going to be not very good. Then the sore throat hit, along with aches. Sunday, my cough started. Monday I barely made it to work, but I somehow kept functioning to work. By the time I got home Tuesday morning, I was ready to curl up with a botlle of Nyquil and sleep it off. But my congestion and my cough were at the worst. But there was something about 10+ hours of sleep that help relieve my symptoms considerably. And no, I didn’t just curl up a bottle of Nyquil. I followed the dosing instructions precisely.

I’m still sick. But I’m feeling better. Though something tells me I can probably skip the flu shot this year, since I think I’ve already had it….

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