Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Rather warm of late....

Tuesday and Wednesday nights are normally my nights off. Last night, I thought I was going to be off, but due to short staffing at work, I had to come in. But I've also been fighting a bug for the past week. Basically, the day before my last day at Mrs. Fields, the owner's wife came in, and said that her mother-in-law had the flu, and from the 2 minute conversation, I caught it. It's not really that bad, just annoying. And owing to the fact that we're short-staffed at my main job, I have to stay late with cuts into my sleep time. And that means that I can't NyQuil and sleep this off. So I'm averaging about 3 hours of sleep a night. And when I woke up yesterday, I could tell that the cough has taken it's toll on my voice. So I took a sick day. My employer has tightened up its attendance policies, and they can now affect quarterly bonuses, but I'm doing nobody any favors going to work sick.

So, I took a sick day last night. And I noticed that it's been rather warm of late. So I set my air-conditioner up again. It's was right were I left it. I just put the exhaust hose back up in the window. It's not even April, and I already have the AC on. Although once the current spell of warm weather passes, I'll probably take it down again, put up my window fan instead. For now...

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