Wednesday, April 22, 2020

So I've done absolutely nothing so far....

Well, I did go out last night to 7-11 for Cheetos and Diet Coke. And I had to step out of the apartment to do laundry. But I've stayed home since then. Monday night, my brother asked me what I wanted for dinner, and a double batch of spaghetti later....

Last night, I decided I wanted pizza. So I ordered Domino's (plus the leftover spaghetti from Monday night, remember it was a double batch). I am ordering a lot more Domino's than UberEats, mainly because pizza is generally cheaper than Shari's, Denny's, or McDonald's. Even Taco Bell through GrubHub is pricier. And also the Domino's drivers know where my apartment is, so I can get a contactless delivery. Whereas with UberEats and GrubHub, I have to go run down the driver, since they don't know where in the apartment complex I'm at, so they just park at the apartment office, and then tell me that they're here...

So also Monday morning when I got home from work, I decided to splurge. The stimulus check I got last week took care of all my bills, so I decided to buy another add-on for Flight Simulator X. I got the LevelD 767. I've played around with it for a little bit so far, but it is extremely realistic. I just can't set the autopilot to follow the gps and enjoy the view. I actually have to  fly the aircraft. I'm no way a pilot (if I said I was it'd be kinda like saying I could fly the space shuttle because I've seen every episode of Star Trek). But it's something to kill time on my day off...

I also reinstalled Linux again. Now that I know how to put it on and take it off, I have a little bit more confidence in trying it out. This post was written on it...

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