Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Had to buy a new watch….

So Saturday night, I was getting ready for work, and I put my watch on. And the strap broke. I had another one, but it was a cheap Wally World model that I didn’t even remember how to reset. I needed something simple. Just something to look down at when I’m at work to see if it’s time for lunch and/or breaks (state law requires them, and current employer is very fastidious about us taking them). So I have to buy a new watch. Due to the f*cked up bus schedules, I only use the bus for wither work or to go to the Spanaway Wally World. And I just spent over $200 at that Wal-Mart yesterday to have my grocery order delivered. Well I may have to bite the bullet and go shopping. I was thinking of where I could go, and I realized that Dad gave me a Spamazon gift card for Christmas this year, and that’s where I could order it. So, I’m saved a trip that I don’t really want to take. And considering where I could’ve gone, I can avoid relapsing on certain obsessions that are best given a wide berth…

BTW, my tax refund has been approved. I should arrive this week…

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