Wednesday, February 09, 2022

About tonight….

If you remember that one night when I had a hypoglycemic episode right when I woke up for work…. Well:

Last night/during today (remember I sleep during the day), I was getting up to pee every two hours. Normally that’s a clear as day sign that my blood sugar was way too high. So, I took an insulin shot to correct it and went back to bed. About 10 minutes before my alarm was to go off, I woke up sweating profusely and confused (like I couldn’t clear the notifications on my phone confused). Normally that’s a hallmark of my sugar levels being too low (most likely I overshot my insulin dose). However I couldn’t put 2 and 2 together owing to the aforementioned confusion. 10 minutes later, my alarm went off. So I snoozed it, turned over and went back to sleep (normally I snooze it for a half hour, something I factor in when I set my alarm). Three hours later, I woke up. I had already missed my bus, and I was about 10 minutes out from missing the last bus of the night, and I wasn’t going to be able to cycle from deep asleep to out the door in that time. Uber is out of the question (too expensive), so I called out for tonight.

Normally when I call out from work, I keep radio silence online, but I thought I’d post this tonight. Sorry, coworkers….

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