Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Got around to taking a trip…

(Quick recap)

About a year ago, the Mrs. Fields I worked at closed, as  the owner wanted to move on, and he bought a 7-11 in Sumner. And he routinely gets on my case to visit him.

(/Quick recap)

So a few weeks back, I proposed a gentleman’s bet with him over an IPL match. We chose teams and whosever team lost, that person would buy the coffee. I lost. So I had to come down to Sumner. While there is bus service to Sumner, it is essentially limited to the Sumner Sounder Station, and where his 7-11 is located is about an hours’ walk from it. So, it’s an Uber to get there….

Come Monday morning, I got off work, and got on a different bus home. This one went to Puyallup. Got off in Puyallup, ordered my Uber. $20 bucks. Actually $25 since I tip. And I got out there. And bought a coffee. From Starbucks. And we talked. He tried to get me to work for him. Hard Pass. I like him as a friend, but the location is a major issue. I would seriously consider it if I could get a bus out there. Anyway, it was time to go. I ordered an Uber to go home. $30+ (again I always tip). He gave me $20 to cover part of my costs, and a cookie. The cookie was disappointing (26+ years at Mrs. Fields did that)…

It’s good to visit my friend. However, due to the expense involved, it is not something I can do every week. But rest assured, I will be back.

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