Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Yes, it’s been a while….

Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve written here. Sometimes in life you go through it, get caught up in the moment, and in the end, there is nothing going on that is worth writing about. It’s important, but I’ve written about it before, or to write about it would be TMI….

My vacation is in a little less than two weeks. After I had the original days approved, I realized that I would have enough PTO for an extra day, which I booked and my boss approved. So I have that to look forward to.

Got my haircut last week. So I’ve gone from rockstar long to Marine Boot Camp. And since I got right at the start of last week’s heat wave I felt much more comfortable than before. There is nothing like having all of your hats fit again…

Rebuilt my system a couple of weeks ago. Wiped everything. Reinstalled everything from scratch (as in I redownloaded all of my games from GOG, Ubisoft, and Origin as well as Steam, Spamazon, and Epic). And now Flight Stimulator X keeps crashing every time I try to fly it. So back to the old drawing board….

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