Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Ok So I didn’t need to panic….

So I didn’t need to panic last night. I did have coffee. In my pantry was a box of my last Smart Sips K-Pods, with three pods left. And when my brother woke up, he told me that put my K-Pods into the pantry, where I found them. With the tea, on a different shelf. Meanwhile, I had also placed an order for delivery, which just arrived, which included more coffee, along with some other groceries (I now prefer delivery when I need to get perishables, since I have to take the bus everywhere)…

I rebuilt my system three weeks ago, and I’m still happy with it. Normally by now, I’d get the wanderlust to go back to the previous version of Windows (especially when I was running Windows 7) only to go back to the current version 4 hours later… With my current motherboard setup (AMD X570 chipset for those of you keeping score at home), it was every two week, switching between Windows 10 and Windows 11. Or it could be when I run into something that I couldn’t fix right away, and I decided to nuke it from orbit, when all I needed to do was change a simple setting…

Sometimes I just need to remind myself that if it ain’t broke, then I shouldn’t try to keep fixing it…

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