Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Our first heat wave….

We had our first heat wave this past weekend. Although since I sleep during the day and I have a westward facing window, I had previously set up my AC a few weeks ago, when the temperature first start hitting the ‘70s. I guess summer is here.

Mother’s Day was Sunday. May Barbara Bryant spend all eternity frolicking in the Beer Volcano and Stripper Factory….

So Cheetos-Face was found liable in the recent lawsuit, and the jury also stuck him for $5 million in damages from it. And he can get sued again for his comments he made after the verdict was rendered. Character is required to hold the office of President, and openly advocating sexual assault is an automatic disqualifier.

Wiped my computer again last week. Windows 10 works perfectly fine, but the urge to go with the latest and greatest was irresistible. So I went and installed Windows 11 again. Learning the lessons from computers past, I did not do an upgrade install. I just went with a ‘clean’ install. And this time, I even got the start menu set up to my tastes (the start menu is usually the reason why I end up going to the previous version of windows).

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